= Yaesu FT-415/416 manual_service.pdf
http://www.radiomods.co.nz/yaesu/yaesuft416.htmlModifications for the Yaesu FT-416
Expanded RF Range: 123---174 MHz RX, 135---174 MHz TX
Range: 123---174 MHz RX, 135---174 MHz TX
Remove battery and antenna.
Remove the four screws holding the battery track in place.
Remove the two black screws holding the rear case in place.
Carefully open the front cover from the radio.
Locate and solder jumper pads 5 & 7 pads 3 and 9 are already jumpered. (jumper pads 1 & 10 for 1750 hz tone burst operation)
Carefully replace the front cover and replace the two black screws.
Replace the battery track and the four screws.
Reset the microprocessor. press and hold [mr], [2] and [vfo] and turn the radio on.
The radio display will cycle orderly thru the memory channels. enter the following band limits:
Ch.1 enter 120.00 and then press [vfo] rx low limit.
Ch.2 enter 174.00 and then press [vfo] rx high limit.
Ch.3 enter 135.00 and then press [vfo] tx low limit.
Ch.4 enter 174.00 and then press [vfo] tx high limit